Friday, August 16, 2013

Could easily be made with hollow box uprights, run the water tube through one and the top hollow box with a PVC tube that you drill holes in for the water to run out. Faux paint it to look like copper, really pretty easy.

Our future children's room. Use the loft for storage until they get older. Put LED stars on bottom for over a crib when first born.
Our future children
what a headboard!!
what a headboard!!
Love the pattern.
Love the pattern.
Could easily be made with hollow box uprights, run the water tube through one and the top hollow box with a PVC tube that you drill holes in for the water to run out. Faux paint it to look like copper, really pretty easy.
Could easily be made with hollow box uprights, run the water tube through one and the top hollow box with a PVC tube that you drill holes in for the water to run out.  Faux paint it to look like copper, really pretty easy.

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